You can use Relations-tool this way:
Set the parameters
Visualize relations
The result is a dynamic graph with the root element in the center. You can navigate and move the graph by clicking on different nodes. By using the scroll function of your mouse within the graph, you can adjust the size of the image.
Adjust the display options
Sometimes, a graph may contain so much information that you would like to reduce the amount of information shown. By clicking on the icons with one, two, or three nodes, you can determine the amount of information shown in the graph. One node: only the information on the first node will be displayed. That is the node closest to the root element. Two nodes: the information regarding the second nodes will also be presented. These are all nodes that are connected to the first node. Three nodes: all information will be shown. Click on Reset (green field) to return to the original graph.
Manipulate the graph
Finally, you can manipulate the graph using the other display options. Show items: Define two new parameters first, then click on Show items. Once you have set two new parameters, they will remain as your default setting even if you plot a new graph. Navigate to branch: Define your branch of interest first, then click on Navigate to branch. Remove branches: Define the branch first, then click on Remove branches.